{BENKYO-NO UTA}: [Study song] (Song)

Aliases: {BENKYO-NO UTA}: [Study song], The {BENKYO-NO UTA}: [The study song]

Name Lyric Music First appearance Tie up
{BENKYO-NO UTA}: [Study song], The {BENKYO-NO UTA}: [The study song] Chisato Moritaka Hideo Saito Sun, February 10, 1991 Thema song An animation program {OCHAME-NA FUTAGO KUREA GAKUIN MONOGATARI}: [Mischievous Twins: The Tales of St. Clare's]


Number Title Type Release date
49 Chisato Moritaka 『{BENKYO-NO UTA}: [Study song]』 【Self cover】 Self cover(41-60) Mon, December 17, 2012

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